
Plunge into the boroughs of Liberty City from the safety of your own chair.

The Liberty City map consists of five boroughs - Broker, Dukes, Bohan, Algonquin and Alderney. These are based on Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, Manhattan and New Jersey, respectively. You start off in Broker (the GTA 4 equivalent of Brooklyn) and the other areas are initially locked due to a "terror alert". These areas will be unlocked gradually as you progress through the story. You can learn more about Liberty City on the "Setting" page. Maps for unique stunt jumps, pigeons, stevie's car thefts, weapons, parked vehicles, interiors coming soon.

Liberty City Map

The following maps can be accessed via the in-game internet, at "" The last map (Window Cleaning Platforms) becomes available after achieving 100% completion.

Pigeons 1

Pigeons Map

Pigeons 2

Pigeons Map


Health Map


Armour Map


Weapons Map


Activities Map

Text Message Cars

Text Message Cars Map

Unique Stunt Jumps

Unique Stunt Jumps Map

Random Characters

Random Characters Map

Window Cleaning Platforms

Window Cleaning Platforms Map
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